Dr Michelle Zajac

Cancer Therapeutics CRC (CTx) is in the business of finding cures for cancer. It was founded in 2007 and received an initial seven years of funding from the Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) Programme. It is a collaborative partnership of leading research institutes, universities and commercial enterprises that translates Australia’s innovative research discoveries into new cancer drugs ready for clinical development. 

Director of Research & Alliance Management 
Your interests

Stakeholder Engagement, Collaborative partnerships, Communications, Government relations

Dr Oksana Zelenko

Queensland University of Technology
Discipline Leader 
Your interests

Design research for eMental Health / Digital Health.

End-user engagement in research through co-design.

Design-led innovation in eHealth.

Transdisciplinary research and innovation in Design and Health.

Mr Michael Zimmerman

Main Sequence Ventures
Your interests

Commercialisation of technologies that solve difficult global problems in: - agriculture - health - energy and resources - data science/ advanced computing - robotics and autonomous systems - etc