Ms Marea Fatseas

Ideas Connect Pty Ltd
Managing Director 
Your interests

My interests are:
- Liveable and sustainable cities: I chair a community council that is currently grappling with the challenges of how you can increase density in cities while retaining/enhancing amenity and liveability, and would like to meet people with similar interests.
- Community renewable energy projects: I am a Board Director of a community solar farm project in Canberra that may become the largest community solar farm in Australia. Interested in meeting like-minded people.
- High quality CRC bids - I managed the CRC Program 2002-2005, and subsequently consulted to a wide range of CRC bid teams. I would like to meet any CRC bid teams that are focused on sustainable cities, climate change, renewable energy.
- Sustainable development in Vietnam - I've spent a lot of time in Vietnam over the past 30 years, including two postings with the Australian Government. I would like to meet anyone interested in climate change, sustainability, renewable energy projects in that country.

Dr James Fernando

Oral Health CRC
Research Fellow 
Your interests
I am a practising dentist who has just completed a PhD in dental research. I am interested in dental health research (particularly prevention of oral disease) and higher education of oral health professionals.

Dr Robin Fieldhouse

Innovation ANU
Strategic Projects & Partnerships 
Your interests
Interests include Life Sciences, both Health, Medical and Agricultural/Environmental, Security, Cyber, and Space.

Mrs Elizabeth Foley

Digital Health CRC
Establishment Manager 
Your interests
Health and Digital Technology

Ms Michelle Fulton

Space Environment Research Centre
Business Manager 
Your interests
Knowledge Transfer through CRC Industry