Mr Korah Parackal

Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC
PhD Student 
Your interests

My Research: a PhD Project with the Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC:

A new method for understanding failures of light framed construction (houses) under wind (Cyclone) loads.

-Structural and Wind Engineering
-Disaster management
-Vulnerability/resilience to natural hazards

Dr Tony Peacock

The Cooperative Research Centres Association is a not-for-profit organisation operating to promote the pursuit of science, particularly through the Australian Government’s CRC Program.

Cooperative Research Centres Association
Your interests

Collaborating and networking across a large range of interests. Very happy to talk about getting, running and winding-up a CRC or CRC-P but also have specific interests in biotechnology, advanced manufacturing and conservation.

A/Prof David Pearson

Associate Professor - Management 
Your interests

Dr David Pearson is an Associate Professor at Central Queensland University and adjunct Professor at University of Canberra. He is the Education, Training and Behavioural Change Program Leader in the recently announced Fight Food Waste Cooperative Research Centre.

Dr Pearson has an international research profile in applied management and marketing seeking environmental sustainability within consumer society. His expertise is in encouraging consumers to make considered choices, such as dietary options to improve health and contribute to a more environmentally sustainable global food system. In addition, he has considerable leadership achievements in tertiary education, a broad portfolio of curriculum development for high-level tertiary subjects as well as significant engagements with industry, government and charity sectors. This is built upon over 25 years of professional experience that includes a successful career in industry.

Mr George Peppou

Cicada Innovations
Director, Growlab 
Your interests
Agtech, foodtech and startups

Dr Eddie Pereira

EPA International is an Innovation Engineering service provider. We delivers specialist services for the digital transformation of firms on the utilization of emerging digital technologies, including research and deployment of Artifical Intelligence, Big Data Analytics, Multi-functional Service delivery Platforms, Robotic automation, and new connectivity technologies such as Zigbee, LORA, Laser-LIDAR-drone systems, and retroconversion of IC engine systems and electric-hybrid vehicle conversion.

Our Principal Engineer possesses more than 40 years of direct engineering experience int he areas of energy, environmental services, building services, automation, digital manufacturing transformation, smart logistics, smart sensor systems, forestry managment services and air-conditioning and Web 4.0 systems.

EPA International
Innovation Engineer & Digital Transformation specialist 
Your interests
New emerging digital technologies for the transformation of Australian industries with a strong focus on SME advancement within consortia and purpose-designed business ecosystems.

Dr Joseph Pereira

University of Technology Sydney
Visiting Professor 
Your interests
Emerging Technologies, Block chain, Cloud Computing, Edge (or Fog) Computing and Internet of Things

Ms Zoe Piper

Ms Zoe Piper
Data61 | CSIRO
LinkedIn logo Partnerships Lead 
Your interests

As the Partnerships Lead for Data61 I'm responsible for developing a range of platforms designed to help connect researchers & industry. These include: Expert Connect (, Innovation Challenge marketplace ( and InnovationMap ( I'd be very interested to connect with anyone with relevant data (or who would like to make use of our data), and anyone who has an innovation challenge we might be able to help solve.

I also have a range of business interests that I'd be happy to connect with people about, including (non-toxic paint), and (blockchain based provenance tracking for produce - currently working on tracking dragon fruit from Vietnam)