A/Prof Farookh Hussain

University of Technology Sydney
Head of Discipline (Software Engineering) and Associate Professor 
Your interests
Cloud Computing, Block chain and Internet of Things

Prof Chris Hutchison

Murdoch University
Director of Research and Innovation 
Your interests

Agricultural Biotechnology

Medical Technology and Pharma

Environmental Monitoring and Biosecurity

Water Technologies

Dr Richard Huysmans

Raven Consulting Group
Your interests

I'm interested in helping PhD students and ECRs (but also established researchers) make the most of their PhD and their career in general. I help people understand the skills and experiences they have and how they might translate into other sectors or roles.

I work with PhD students, ECRs, Graduate Schools, Research Directors to help students complete their PhD in a timely manner. I work with ECRs and Research Offices to help academic write better grants.

I have a dream that PhDs will be seen like MBAs - a general qualification that improves your employability, rather than the vocational qualification it is currently viewed as. I also have a dream that the line between academia and industry will be blurred such that a career that see people move between each sector every 5-10 years is common rather than impossible.

If you support PhD students (e.g. through a stipend or scholarship), you might want to chat with me about supporting the people you fund to complete their PhD (faster).

Ms Laura Issa

Global Biopharmaceutical innovator

Business Development Search and Evaluation 
Your interests

Medical research

Drug discovery, drug delivery and Biotechnology platforms

Cell Therapy and Manufacture

Genomics and precision medicine

Cancer Therapeutics Drug discovery

Mr Paul Johnson

Rail Manufacturing CRC
Your interests
The Rail Manufacturing CRC is supporting the rail industry to develop new products, technologies and supply chain networks to increase Australian rail manufacturing’s competitiveness, capacity and productivity.

Mr David Jonas

Digital Health CRC
Your interests
Health and Digital Technology

Dr Larry Jordan

Rail Manufacturing CRC
Research Director 
Your interests
The Rail Manufacturing CRC is supporting the rail industry to develop new products, technologies and supply chain networks to increase Australian rail manufacturing’s competitiveness, capacity and productivity.

Prof Brent Kaiser

Prof Brent Kaiser
The University of Sydney
Professor of Legume Biology 
Your interests

Interests include the development of pulse varieties and production business models to stimulate the utilisation of pulses in cropping rotations to maximise production, environmental sustainability and profitability

Types of people: Agriculture and food based organisations, grower groups, government

What we hope to achieve: We are developing a Pulse CRC bid. The CRC aims to optimise Pulse breeding, production and supply chains. We hope to provide an effective business and agronomic rotation for Australian grain producers thereby bolstering grain production and providing an additional diversified revenue stream for cropping farm enterprises. This will meet the growing needs of the consumer of the future for plant protein with specific flavours, nutrition, quality, provenance transparency and verified authenticity.

Ms Michelle Kendall

The University of Melbourne
Senior Major Initiatives Officer 
Your interests

To be completed

Mr Liam Kenna Australia

Through collaboration and innovation the University of Adelaide provides tailored solutions to the challenges you face within your business.

The Research & Business Partnerships team has the expertise and focus to understand and service the innovation needs of customers within key business sectors.

University of Adelaide
Project Officer, Indigenous Strategy and Research 
Your interests

Indigenous researchers are the most under-represented group in the Australian postgraduate landscape. The University of Adelaide is looking to innovate its current strategies and outcomes in Indigenous postgraduate enrolments and completions; having established the Indigenous Postgraduate Project Officer role early 2018, we are hoping to develop and improve our current practices, particularly:

Establishing and maintaining community and industry led Indigenous research

Developing and supporting Indigenous researchers

Establishing innovative ways of attracting and 'up-skilling' Indigenous researchers