The University of Queensland

Mr Joe McLean
Your interests
Joe McLean commenced as Director Research Partnerships in February 2018 and provides strategic and operational support to industry-facing funding schemes and ensures UQ is well positioned to adapt to changes in the policy environment that affect partnerships. Joe has spent 20 years working at the interface of research and industry/government. He has experience project managing CRC proposals and has helped facilitate numerous research partnerships between UQ Researchers and a variety of private sector, government and NGO partners. He has also managed the commercialisation of a number of UQ discoveries, including Latch-on and Leximancer. Joe was recently Head , Strategy and Growth, Triple P International Pty Ltd and is well known at UQ through his previous roles, including Director, UQ international Development and a variety of roles at UniQuest.
Dr Bronwyn Laycock
Senior Lecturer 
Your interests

I am attending the conference in my role as Program Manager for Waste Transformation in the Food Waste CRC. I have a strong record in the management of multidisciplinary projects and delivery of innovative solutions with several products fully commercialised to date.

I am currently a Senior Lecturer in the School of Chemical Engineering and the Dow Centre for Sustainable Engineering Innovation and my interests lie in biopolymers, waste to energy, circular economy initiatives, carbon fibres from low cost starting materials, controlled release, novel fertilisers, and plastics in the environment. 

The University of Sydney

Prof Brent Kaiser
Prof Brent Kaiser
Professor of Legume Biology 
Your interests

Interests include the development of pulse varieties and production business models to stimulate the utilisation of pulses in cropping rotations to maximise production, environmental sustainability and profitability

Types of people: Agriculture and food based organisations, grower groups, government

What we hope to achieve: We are developing a Pulse CRC bid. The CRC aims to optimise Pulse breeding, production and supply chains. We hope to provide an effective business and agronomic rotation for Australian grain producers thereby bolstering grain production and providing an additional diversified revenue stream for cropping farm enterprises. This will meet the growing needs of the consumer of the future for plant protein with specific flavours, nutrition, quality, provenance transparency and verified authenticity.

The University of Western Australia

Mrs Jill Stajduhar
ACLNGF Manager 
Your interests
The Australian Centre for LNG Futures undertakes industrial research in flow assurance, separation and sensing, magnetic resonance engineering and fluid properties specialising in measurement of hydrocarbon & industrially important mixtures at high pressure and cryogenic temperatures. Companies seeking advanced insights into their own business operations and productivity challenges will find us open and flexible to short and long-term activities.

University of Adelaide Australia

Through collaboration and innovation the University of Adelaide provides tailored solutions to the challenges you face within your business.

The Research & Business Partnerships team has the expertise and focus to understand and service the innovation needs of customers within key business sectors.

Mr David Lind
LinkedIn logo Director, Research & Business Partnerships 
Your interests

Interested to talk to potential clients for research services in Defence & Security, Ag, Food & Wine, Medtech & Health, Mining & Energy, Environment & Sustainability and Society & Economy

Dr Dale Godfrey
Senior Grants officer 
Your interests
Will add later
Mr Liam Kenna
Project Officer, Indigenous Strategy and Research 
Your interests

Indigenous researchers are the most under-represented group in the Australian postgraduate landscape. The University of Adelaide is looking to innovate its current strategies and outcomes in Indigenous postgraduate enrolments and completions; having established the Indigenous Postgraduate Project Officer role early 2018, we are hoping to develop and improve our current practices, particularly:

Establishing and maintaining community and industry led Indigenous research

Developing and supporting Indigenous researchers

Establishing innovative ways of attracting and 'up-skilling' Indigenous researchers

University of Canterbury

The University of Canterbury (UC) continues to undertake world-ranked research that is relevant, and has impact within national and international arenas. A key aspect of our continued research success is collaboration and partnership. Collaboration (with other researchers, business, or community groups) has enabled the university to ‘punch above its weight’, whilst retaining its intellectual rigour, desire to tackle important research questions, and desire to a make a difference by creating and disseminating new knowledge.

Mr Jace Carson
LinkedIn logo Research Consultant 
Your interests

Interested in partnering in other CRCs particularly where the outcomes will have Australasian benefits or where our particular capabilities are complementary. Also open to new links with industry and government sector.


University of South Australia, MinEx CRC

Prof David Giles
John Ralston Chair of Minerals and Resources Engineering 
Your interests
Interested in anything to do with innovation, productivity, safety and environment in the resources and energy sector

University of Technology Sydney

Dr Joseph Pereira
Visiting Professor 
Your interests
Emerging Technologies, Block chain, Cloud Computing, Edge (or Fog) Computing and Internet of Things
A/Prof Farookh Hussain
Head of Discipline (Software Engineering) and Associate Professor 
Your interests
Cloud Computing, Block chain and Internet of Things

University of Wollongong

Prof Valerie Linton
Executive Dean 
Your interests
I am from a University and interested in talking to companies about collaboration in the engineering and manufacturing areas.

UQ Centre for Clinical Research

Dr Mark Butler
Principal Research Fellow 
Your interests
I am the bid leader for the Antimicrobial Resistance Cooperative Research Centre (AMR CRC), which had a broad remit around One Health/Animal Health, Infection Control and Prevention, Engineering devices and coatings, antibiotic R&D, PK/PD and clinical trials of new and marketed antibiotics. We are also interested in meeting with organisations interested in teaching and community outreach in these areas.


Dr Sam Ashby
Research Engagement Manager 
Your interests

looking for industry partners with a need for capabilities in the areas of
AI and IT
Robotic and automation
Biomedical science
Materials tech
Social sciences and education
Cultural studies
Health data & Health service